Hair removal (Epilation) via laser
Information on hair removal (epilation) via laser for transsexuals, you can find here:
- Hair removal (epilation) via laser is the most effective, fastest and most cost-effective method for removing hair permanently, while it is also the method with the least unwanted side-effects.
- Treatment goal is a permanent reduction in hair number as well as thickness and pigmentation of hair. This method is especially The section: "Informationen zur Wirksamkeit der Photo-Epilation" cites several studies which demonstrate the efficacy of laserepilation (photoepilation).
- Potential (theoretical) risks are blister formation and scarring as well as disruption of pigmentation. However, with proper application, these risk are minimal. In case of doubt, a trial of a smalll area should be carried out. Before and after therapy, UV exposure has to be avoided strictly.
- According to the recommendations of the Strahlenschutzkommission des Umweltministeriums Abschnitt Laserstrahlung treatments with high energy lasers should only be carried out by medical doctors or under theor direct supervision. Therefore, the German Laser Society (Deutsche Dermatologische Lasergesellschaft) rejects laser treatment, including hair removal by non-medical personal, such as cosmeticians.
- Nowadays various laser systems are used, such as the long-pulsed alexandrite-laser, the ruby laser, the neodyme:YAG-laser, diode-lasers or high-energetic flash-lamps (IPL (intense pulsed light technology). Modern lasers have more or less the same efficacy for removing hair, while they might differ in their mode of application and handling of the laser. Comparative studies on the efficacy of the various systems are still lacking. Currently, such studies are being carried out by one of our DDL members, Dr. Drosner, Cutaris Center Munich.
- As hair goes through different growth cycles, treatments need to be repeated to permanently remove the hair. Typically, 6-8 (or more) treatments of the same area are required to achieve a satisfactory, permanent result. Usually, removal of 70 - 80 % of the hairs can be expected.
- Cost depend on the size of the treated area and range between 80-500 euro or more. As there are no fixed rules and regulations on billing for this kind of treatment, bills may vary considerably between different centers. Some will bill by number of applied laser impulses and treated area, others by number of required treatment sessions while again some will offer fixed prices. We recommend that you ask for an individual estimate, as treatment of large areas (e.g. legs) can sometimes result in very high bills. Cost tend to be high since the lasers used are still quite expensive and may be as high as 150.000 euro.
- The apparatus „Plasmalight“, that is frequently mentioned in the media is also a high-energetic flash-lamp (IPL technology) comparable to Photoderm or Epilight and other similar apparatuses that use this techniology.
- Meanwhile, there is also a topical cream available (Vaniqua©, active ingredient: eflornithin) which reduced hair growth by interfering with an essential enzyme in hair growth. However, this cream needs to be applied daily and indefinitely, to achieve optimal treatment results which is therfore also quite expensive.
Note: Shaving does NOT enhance hair growth!
One may shave as frequently and wherever one chooses to- hair will not grow more or get thicker. This is true for the face and other parts of the body, such as armes or legs.
The impression that hair grows faster after shaving is due to the fact that the shaver cuts the hair at its thickest point. Thus the cut hair appears thicker and can be felt more distinctively when touched.
Here you can see a short video of a laser epilation.
Hier können Sie sich ein kurzes Video einer Laserepilation ansehen.